XBMCID Manual Chapter 7

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Features
- Contents of the Installer
- Features of the Installer
Chapter 3: Preparing the XBMCID disc on your PC
- Extracting the XBMCID Archive
- Using the XBMCID ISO Updater Program
- The XBMCID Addon / Update Packs
Chapter 4: Burning the ISO
- Using DVD Decrypter
Chapter 5: The XBMCID Main Menu
Chapter 6: Preparing your Xbox Hard Drive
- Backup / Restore your Hard Drive
- Format / Prepare your Hard Drive
Chapter 7: One-Click Installs
- Modchip Users
- Softmod Users
Chapter 8: Installing Dashboards
- Installing the Microsoft Dashboard
- Installing Xbox Media Center
Chapter 9: Skin Installer Section

Chapter 10: Installing Applications

Chapter 11: The Softmod Section
- Single Boot Softmod Options
- Dual Boot Softmod Options
- Unmounting the Virtual C Drive
- Removing the SID Softmod from your Xbox
Chapter 12: The Advanced Options / Tools Section
- Installing SID to HDD or Memory Card
- BIOS Checker
- BIOS Flasher
- Chimp
- ConfigMagic
- Enigmah NTSC-PAL Video Switcher
- Xbpartitioner
Appendix A: Xbox Error Codes
Appendix B: Xbox Media Compatibility
Appendix C: Xbox DVD Drive Identification
Appendix D: Softmodding Tutorials
- Hard Drive Upgrade using a Modchipped Xbox
- Hard Drive Upgrade using a PC
- Hotswap Tutorial - Recover a HDD without Eeprom Backup
- Hard Drive Cloning using Chimp
Appendix E: What do all these Applications do?

Chapter 7: One-Click Installs

The One-Click Install system is designed for people that want to get your Xbox set up properly, or some people that are new to Modding and wish to use the easiest method possible of setting your Xbox up with a Dashboard and apps.

These installations come standard with MS Dash, DVD-X (for DVD Playback), Enigmah NTSC-PAL (for change video regions), DVD2Xbox (to backup DVDs to the HDD), and Xbox Media Center (to play all your media content).

Modchip Users

After you’ve agreed to continue this will set up your Xbox with the MS Dash and XBMC.

Softmod Users

Firstly you will get this warning. If you have also used another type of softmod besides SID 4 or SID 5 it is recommended to do an unmount anyway if you’re not sure if you have a Virtual C Drive or not.

After pressing OK, there are several options available here:

  • Single Boot with no Virtual C
This is only recommend for people who don’t want the extra security of the Virtual C Drive and Eeprom.
  • Single Boot with Virtual C
Recommended for most and novice users.
  • Dual Boot with Softmod Menu on Open Tray
Recommended for more intermediate / advanced users.
  • Dual Boot with MS Dash on Open Tray
Recommended for advanced users only, as the Xbox Live account must be set up before the Softmod is installed.

Once you have select one of these options, the program will proceed so you can select the Dashboard you wish to install, like the Modchip users section.

This page was last modified on 4 June 2010, at 10:14. This page has been accessed 19,706 times.

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